Factory Pattern

The factory pattern is a creational pattern which encapsulates the construction of objects. In factory pattern, we do not expose the construction logic to the client directly. Instead, we provide a common interface to construct the objects.

Here we have a base class Car, and two classes Bwm and Audi that derive from Car:

class Car {
    Car(string name) : _name(name) {}
    virtual void show() = 0;
    string _name;
class Bmw : public Car {
    Bmw(string name) : Car(name) {}
    void show() {
        cout << "BMW: " << _name << endl;
class Audi : public Car {
    Audi(string name) : Car(name) {}
    void show() {
        cout << "Audi: " << _name << endl;

A native way to construct objects of those classes is to use new to call their constructor directly, for example:

int main() {
    Car *p1 = new Bmw("X1");
    Car *p2 = new Audi("A6");
    delete p1;
    delete p2;
    return 0;

In this way, the programmers must know the construction methods of these classes. It becomes inconvenient if there are a large amount of classes. Moreover, if the constructor has changed, all constructions of that class must be changed as well. Hence, a good OOP design is to provide a uniform interface for construction.

Simple Factory

The simple factory pattern provides a factory class which has a uniform interface for construction. In the following example, we defined a SimpleFactory class which has a method createCar(). The method takes a enumeration as parameter, and returns the created object according to the corresponding car brand.

enum CarType {BMW, AUDI};
class SimpleFactory {
    Car* createCar(CarType ct) {
        switch (ct) {
        case BMW:
            return new Bmw("X1");
        case AUDI:
            return new Audi("A6");
        return nullptr;

Now we can simply defined a single factory class, and use createCar() to get objects of different car brands.

int main() {
    SimpleFactory *factory = new SimpleFactory();
    Car *p1 = factory->createCar(BMW);
    Car *p2 = factory->createCar(AUDI);
    delete factory;
    delete p1;
    delete p2;
    return 0;

The simple factory pattern use a single factory class to produce all the products. It is simple, but it doesn't meet the open-close principle. If we want to add new products to the factory, we need to always modify the interface, which is not a good software design.

Factory Method

In factory method pattern, a factory is responsible for one product. Here we have a base class Factory which has a pure virtual function createCar(). Then we have two derived class which have their own version of interface for constructing objects.

class Factory {
    virtual Car* createCar(string name) = 0;
class BMWFactory : public Factory {
    Car* createCar(string name) {
        return new Bmw(name);
class AudiFactory : public Factory {
    Car* createCar(string name) {
        return new Audi(name);

In this way, we can use the interface provided by different factories to create the corresponding objects:

int main() {
    Factory *bmwfactory = new BMWFactory();
    Factory *audifactory = new AudiFactory();
    Car *p1 = bmwfactory->createCar("X6");
    Car *p2 = audifactory->createCar("A8");
    delete bwmfactory;
    delete audifactory;
    delete p1;
    delete p2;

If a new brand of car is added, we can define a new factory class which inherits from Factory, and provide its own createCar() interface.

Abstract Factory

The abstract factory pattern is suitable for a series of related products. For example, except for car models, BWM and Audi also produce headlights:

class Light {
    virtual void show() = 0;
class BmwLight : public Light {
    void show() {
        cout << "BMW Light" << endl;
class AudiLight : public Light {
    void show() {
        cout << "Audi Light" << endl;

Now if we are using factory method pattern, we need to define another base factory which is specially responsible for headlights, and two derived classes for BWM and Audi respectively. An obvious problem is that too many classes need to be created if the product family groups big. Hence, a better approach is two put the interfaces for those related products inside a single factory.

Here we have a AbstractFactory class which has two pure virtual functions createCar() and createLight().

class AbstractFactory {
    virtual Car* createCar(string name) = 0;
    virtual Light* createLight() = 0;

Then BMWFactory and AudiFactory inherit from it, and implement their own interfaces for the corresponding car brand.

class BMWFactory : public AbstractFactory {
    Car* createCar(string name) {
        return new Bmw(name);
    Light* createLight() {
        return new BmwLight();
class AudiFactory : public AbstractFactory {
    Car* createCar(string name) {
        return new Audi(name);
    Light* createLight() {
        return new AudiLight();

In this way, a factory can produces a series of related products using different interfaces. There is no coupling between different factories as well.

int main() {
    AbstractFactory *bmwfactory = new BMWFactory();
    AbstractFactory *audifactory = new AudiFactory();
    Car *p1 = bmwfactory->createCar("X6");
    Car *p2 = audifactory->createCar("A8");
    Light *l1 = bmwfactory->createLight();
    Light *l2 = audifactory->createLight();
    delete bwmfactory;
    delete audifactory;
    delete p1;
    delete p2;
    delete l1;
    delete l2;
    return 0;

One limitation of abstract factory is that these factories should produce the same type of products. For example, if there is another factory which only produces headlights, it can not inherit from AbstractFactory, because the interface createCar() has to be implemented.

Last updated

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