Sequence Containers
Sequence containers implement data structures which can be accessed sequentially. There are three common sequence containers in STL: vector, deque and list.
vector is a dynamic contiguous array. It's underlying data structure is an array whose space is opened up dynamically. Every time the array is full, its original space is expanded by twice.
Add elements at the end of vector. The Time complexity is O(1). May need to be expanded.
vec.insert(it, 20);
Add elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(n). May need to be expanded.
Delete elements at the end of vector. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(n).
Random access with the index. The Time complexity is O(1).
Iterators of vector.
Common methods:
Number of elements in the vector.
Whether the vector is empty.
Reserve space for the vector. It only opens up memory space and no new elements will be added. It can be used if the amount of elements is already known, in order to avoid the overhead of expansion.
Expand space for the vector. It not only opens up memory space but also adds new elements with default constructors.
Swap the elements in two vectors.
deque is an double-ended queue which allows fast insertion and deletion at both its beginning and its end. Its underlying data structure is a two-dimensional array whose space is opened up dynamically. Elements are stored in the second dimension, and the first dimension stores pointers to the second dimension. Every time the array is full, the first dimension is expanded by twice.
Add elements at the end of deque. The Time complexity is O(1). May need to be expanded.
Add elements at the front of deque. The Time complexity is O(1). May need to be expanded.
deq.insert(it, 20);
Add elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(n). May need to be expanded.
Delete elements at the end of deque. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at the front of deque. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(n).
Iterators of deque.
Common methods:
Similar to vector.
list is a doubly-linked list that supports constant time insertion and removal of elements from anywhere in the container. It's underlying data structure is a double circular list, in which each element has pointers pointing to its previous and next, and the head and tail are linked together as well.
Most of its methods are the same as deque.
Add elements at the end of list. The Time complexity is O(1).
Add elements at the front of list. The Time complexity is O(1).
li.insert(it, 20);
Add elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at the end of list. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at the front of list. The Time complexity is O(1).
Delete elements at where the iterator points to. The Time complexity is O(1).
Iterators of list.
Common methods:
Similar to vector.
Differences between vector, deque and list
vector, deque, list and their differences is a frequently asked question during the interview. When answering this kinds of questions, we can focus on their underlying data structures and the time complexity of operations.
Data Structures
vector: Dynamic array with continuous memory. Double expansion is implemented when the array is full.
deque: Dynamic 2-dimensional array. The second dimension is a fixed-length array with continuous memory, and the first dimension stores pointers to second dimensions (partially continuous). Double expansion is implemented in the first dimension.
list: Double circular list. Each element has pointers pointing to its previous and next, and the head and tail are linked together as well. The memory space is not continuous.
Differences between vector and deque
Differences in data structures.
Time complexity of adding and deleting elements: all O(1) at the end and O(n) in the middle. O(1) at the front for deque, and O(n) at the front for vector.
Efficiency of insert() and erase(): Time complexity is both O(n),but elements movement is faster in vector since its memory is continuous.
Memory efficiency: vector requires continuous memory space, while deque can store elements in chunks and does not require large continuous spaces.
Differences between vector and list
Differences in data structures.
Time complexity of adding and deleting elements: all O(1) at the end. O(1) in the middle and the front for list, and O(n) in the middle and the front for vector.
Time complexity of inquiring elements: O(1) for vector and O(n) for list.
All in all, vector is preferred in most circumstances because it allows O(1) random access. If we want to add items from both the front and the end, deque is a good choice. list has better performance if we have lots of insert and delete operations since they are all O(1) compared to O(n) in vect
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